I love to work with materials of all shapes and sizes, this is what inspires my artwork. I have collected a lot of wood over the past 3 years - reclaimed from the big wood pile at the Sechelt land fill (so much wasted lumber goes there) I store the found wood and objects in the barn. Now I can bring them into the studio to start pulling from to see what I can create.
everything from off cuts to driftwood to plank boards
some how all this will be incorporated into my new shelving
I think I made about 4 trips to and from the barn to the studio in my trusty wheel barrel
I knew if I built a door 3 feet across by 8 feet tall, it would be too heavy for the shelving frame so I decided to make shutter doors 20inches by 8feet tall instead, plus I had all the pieces needed to fit horizontally.
then to use the left over pieces I hammered the ends onto the end to create an artsy look
I was able to use up a lot of little pieces of wood this way. Many of the pieces of wood were old cedar and smelled amazing when I cut them.
This shelving unit is made out of an old chest of drawers that I paid way to much for when we first moved to the coast. Then we realized that moth balls were stored in it and I could not get rid of this smell to save my life, after 3 years of a faint smell of moth balls in our clothes I was ready to through it out...so the drawers turned into a wonderful shelving unit and fit perfectly on the end of the shelf. I simply screwed them into the end one on top of each other, I added horizontal pieces of wood to the two vertical ones in the middle for more shelving.
here is a picture of my inspiration I came across on the web, these suitcase created a temporary store front.
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