Friday, February 11, 2011

more organizing

I am hanging supplies on the inside of the doors for easy access. So far I have found 5 pairs of scissors but I know I have more. (reminds me of a story of my Nana, she had her house filled to the ceiling with creative projects and would always loose her scissors so instead of organizing herself she simply bought a new pair, not sure how many were found after her passing,  but it was in the double digits) wish I could have documented it.
 I am always surprised at how much fabric I acquire. I use fabric for my workshops in puppet making and redesigning clothes but instead of getting rid of fabric I always seem to end up with more?
on the left is a very large basket of fabric scraps and a large bag I made to keep recycling materials that  I will be using to make puppet, more to come about those later.
Maggie has come to help me in the studio but she likes to take things down as I put them up. I also filled up her hiding place inside the shelves, she was the perfect height to walk inside.
The crazy wall behind her will be one of the last things I finish as I am dreaming up a mixed media collage combined with text.  I also ran out of green paint so I am waiting to see if any other interesting colours come my way.

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